Start creating!

Input your video description, add an image as reference, or combine both to begin crafting your video!

New! Choose Video Generation Model
Wait approximately 1 minute.
This model consumed 10 credits.

Add text, an image, or both
in the left panel to kickstart your video creation.


How to Create Your AI Hug Video with AI Hug

Transform your ideas and photos into heartwarming hug videos with our AI-powered AI Hug Video Studio.

Describe Your Ideal Video

Describe Your Ideal Video

Enter a detailed description for best results. Don't worry if you're not sure what to write – our system will optimize your input.

Upload Your Photo

Upload Your Photo

Choose a high-quality, clear image of the person(s) you want in the hug video. Ensure the file is under 10MB for optimal processing.

Select Your AI Model

Select Your AI Model

Choose between Prometheus (fast 10s videos, flexible input) or Hermes (high-quality 5s videos, requires both description and image).

Generate and Share

Generate and Share

Click 'Generate' and wait 1-5 minutes. Your perfect AI hug video will be ready to view, share, or delete in 'My Videos'.


What is AI Hug and what does it do?

How does AI Hug differ from traditional video editing tools?

What input does AI Hug need to create an AI hug video?

How long does it take to generate an AI video with AI Hug?

Is AI Hug suitable for both personal and professional use?

How does AI Hug ensure the quality of generated AI videos and AI hug videos?

Is the payment process secure?

How do I use the video generation feature?

Can I customize the duration of my AI video and AI hug video?

What happens to my photos after I upload them to AI Hug?

Can I create AI hug videos with multiple people?